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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I Know You Are, But Who Am I?

Conservative commentators confuse me. Here is an obnoxious headline regarding the Alito nomination:
The left gets what it asked for
It did? That's a surprise to me! What did he mean?
... "abortion" is the rallying cry that unites what's left of the party of FDR, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy.
Sorry, that's wrong! Economic improvement and secured rights for the majority of the American population is the rallying cry that unites Democrats. Pro-choicers do not define who Democrats are. Heck, Harry Reid is against abortion and he's the Senate Minority leader, the leading Democrat in the Senate.

"Abortion" is the rallying cry for conservatives, as it has been since the 60's.

Neener, neener, neener!

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