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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Evil Republicans

Just more depressing evidence that Republicans feel free to say the most vicious, fascistic, thuggish things about Democrats, and the Democrats don't reply in kind. How can any feeling person be a Republican anymore? They've left common decency far behind and embraced totalitarian fantasies instead:
I've noticed, when people point to the language in this post as examples of the reactionary and violent nature of the Republican Party, a lot of Republicans and so-called "centrists" chime in with "Both sides do it" and "I could find Democrats saying mean things too." Well, no both sides don't, and no you couldn't. The quotes from this post are not just some random Republican individuals or Republican bloggers saying mean things. If I wanted that, I could stroll into any comment thread at LGF or Free Republic, or for that matter, at Political Animal. The people quoted below are Republicans with substantial power to affect the public discourse, whether as media apparatchiks, political advisors or lobbyists at the highest possible levels, or elected officials. And it's not just mean things; it's statements suggesting liberals be eliminated, exiled, killed. You absolutely can't find Democrats or liberals of equal rank saying anything of the sort.]

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