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Sunday, October 16, 2005

New York Times Explains Judith Miller

While working today with the rest of the RSP crew on the 'Victoria/Victoria' set, I'd sneak looks at today's New York Times' Hail Mary extravaganza effort to explain it's side of the Valerie Plame affair (before the indictments start rolling).

I can say that I haven't heard such a convincing story since O.J. Simpson pointed his gloveless fingers at shadowy drug dealers, the 'real killers' of his wife and Ron Goldman.

Does The New York Times think we're all just a bunch of chumps, or what? Salon and Daily Kos and Greg Mitchell and innumerable others are hot on the story. I'm not nearly as charitable as Billmon is regarding The New York Times' truthfulness:
But Sunday's little game of charades did pretty much blow away the New Pravda's propaganda campaign on behalf of Judy Miller, First Amendment martyr. And it certainly made a circus clown out of Bill Keller, who promised to give his readers the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Miller's involvement in Plamegate, just as soon as the lawyers would let him. At the moment, though, it looks like Gray Lady wouldn't recognize the truth if it came up and slapped her right in her five o'clock shadow.

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