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Monday, October 31, 2005

McMartin Preschool Confessions

This stuff is horrible, but you knew they had to start coming eventually: the confessions of the little kids (who are now grown up) - the kids whose lies destroyed the lives of the hardworking teachers at the McMartin Preschool in LA, in the most sensational phony sexual abuse case of the 80's:
I think I got the satanic details by picturing our church. We went to American Martyrs, which was a huge Catholic church. Every Sunday we had to go, and Mass would last an hour, hour and a half. None of us wanted to go: It was kicking and screaming all the way there. Sitting, standing, sitting, standing. What I would do was picture the altar, pews and stained-glass windows, and if [investigators] said, "Describe an altar," I would describe the one in our church. Or instead of, "There was a priest in a green suit"—someone who was real—I would say, "A man dressed in red as a cult member." From going to church you know that God is good, and the devil is bad and has horns and is about evil and red and blood. I'd just throw a twist in there with Satan and devil-worshipping.

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