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Friday, October 28, 2005

Lip Balm Anonymous

One of those pathologically compulsive rituals, it seems:
Eric Writes: I recently saw on your site that your site was featured in '505 Unbelievably Stupid Web Pages' and was interested in knowing why you're considering taking legal action against the author and publisher? Did they do something illegal? I know the title of the book may be demeaning, but still I'm interested in knowing why you say that on your site.

Eric, it's very simple. When a someone includes us in a book of stupid web sites, an organization like LBA needs to defend its reputation. For all of the good we do, helping people overcome their serious addiction to lip balm, you can call us a lot of things but stupid shouldn't be one of them.
(That's the nice thing about gambling - a pathologically compulsive ritual that is demonstrably harmful, rather than this more-ambiguous stuff.)

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