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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tropical Storm Ophelia

And just when I thought the danger had finally passed, that area of storminess I've been warning about for days finally went ahead, took the next step and has been dubbed Tropical Storm Ophelia!

Nevertheless, Ophelia doesn't look like THAT big of a threat....it will linger, seemingly for eternity, off the NE coast of FL, and the coast of SC. The GFS model shows it intruding westward onto the east coast of FL, but then moving NE again, over open water, and towards the SC coast. Since it will be around for a long time, it might wander over and around many such places. It might occasionally set off thunderstorms in the Tampa area.

I suspect that having Tropical Storm Nate generate took away some of Ophelia's energy, which is all to the good.

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