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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Smackdown - Two Snobby Filipinas Face Off

"A" is an Office Secretary (actually a Substitute Clerk), and "B" is a Visiting Client (actually an idle, wandering employee on break).

(on four previous visits)
A: "Is there something I can do for you?"
B: "I'm just looking!"

(then, on the fifth visit)
B: "Excuse me! Excuse me! Hey, excuse me!"
A: (ignores "B", then finally,) "Yes?"
B: "You're ignoring me! I'm a client here!"
A: "Oh, is that so? On your previous visits to this office, I asked if I could help you, and you said you were just looking."
B: "I don't know how the system works here in the U.S. I'm suffering from a cultural shock."
A: "What are you? What kind of shock are you suffering from? Mental illness?"
B: "I'm a native-born American!"
A: "Congratulations!"
B: "Who is your supervisor?"
A: "Would you like to speak to my supervisor?"

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