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Thursday, September 08, 2005

New Theater Delay

Well, it looks like DMTC is going to eat a little crow here. If I understand correctly (my information is second-hand), some electrical switching equipment will be slow to arrive, and sheet rocking can't fully proceed until the equipment is installed. In addition, not all the sheet rock is yet available - our efforts to secure sheet rock donations came up empty, and so the massive purchase order for all the sheet rock didn't go out until fairly late. According to Steve Harrison, the contractor, sheet rocking will likely not even start until the day before the opening of "Cabaret" (scheduled for Sept. 19th): even miracle-worker Steve can't sheet rock such a large space in just a day!

So, we are faced with three options - perform "Cabaret":
  1. at the Varsity Theater;
  2. in the warehouse space immediately adjacent to the New Theater (within the same building);
  3. at the DMTC rehearsal space (the Clubhouse); or,
  4. at another theater (maybe not even in Davis).
The first option is probably the best, but we first need to come to an understanding with the city regarding Varsity Theater rent. If an agreement can't be reached, Option 2 is probably next-best. So, we'll see what happens! In any event, New Theater construction IS proceeding, and rather quickly too, but just not quickly enough to meet the "Cabaret" schedule!

Patience! Our journey's end is in sight, but still just slightly out-of-reach!

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