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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Guy Ritchie's New Movie

This sounds problematic - I'll go see 'March of the Penguins' (or something else) instead:
Critics reckon Revolver is even worse than his last stinker, the risible Swept Away, a film which starred his wife and all but destroyed her career as a serious actress. "After Revolver, Swept Away now looks like Citizen Kane," the Guardian said.

... The problem is the film is as muddled as the weird form of Jewish mysticism Ritchie and his wife practise. Some even suggest their obsession with Kabbalah has contributed to the film's impenetrability. Despite being ostensibly about gambling and gangsters, Revolver is full of obscure references to Kabbalah, with strange mentions of numbers and bizarre references to "ego versus the light" - both Kabbalah allusions.

At the premiere, Ritchie was in defensive mood. He said of the criticism: "I think it was inevitable. The concept of the film is tricky and that's part of the reason I was attracted to it in the first place.

... Madonna, 47, with her arm still in a sling following a riding accident, appeared pleased not to be involved in the movie and said she was there purely as an adornment.

... Asked why he hadn't given his wife a part, Ritchie, 37, replied: "Do you think they would let me get away with that? I did that last time - it didn't work."

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