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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Evacuation From Hurricane Rita

I was surprised the evacuation in advance of Hurricane Rita went as badly as it did. Houston is not as isolated as New Orleans is from the U.S. highway network, and people were even more energized to bolt from Hurricane Rita than they were for Hurricane Katrina. I guess it goes to show that when EVERYONE tries to flee at once, no city's traffic network can cope! I'm just glad these evacuations are scarce (and may they remain so!)

I think the chaotic evacuation from Houston and vicinity helps illustrate why Mayor Nagin of New Orleans hesitated before ordering a mandatory evacuation from his city. Accidents happen, and people get killed, like this horrible Texas bus fire filled with elderly Hurricane Rita evacuees. You've got to be dead sure that more people will die if they stay in place than if they flee before you order such an extreme measure!

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