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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Cache Creek

Devastating evening up there: didn't sleep yet, lost $2,000, almost got it back, then lost it again. Ugh! Thank goodness I'm still slightly ahead after the huge win there last week!

At 3:30 a.m., I developed a sudden hunger for ice cream, so there I was, idling interminably (one thing you learn to do in a casino is you learn to master your impatience, and wait, wait, wait). I waited for the overwhelmed and overworked staff to handle the fussy mob in front of me. Despite the hour, the casino was still packed, mostly with Cambodians and Filipinos and Thais - you'd hardly know we were in rural California! Everyone had specialized orders for cappucino and other assorted specialties - I couldn't even get chocolate ice cream, and had to settle for coffee ice cream.

Skipping a night's sleep is always an adventure, nearly falling asleep at the wheel on the drive home, problems with memorization (which affected musical theater rehearsal and Sunday ballet class) , and sudden naps. And when sleep the following evening finally came, REM sleep attacked with a vengeance! I dreamt I was sitting at work, and was hit with a snowball from nowhere. Investigating, I discovered a vast white void in the workplace, a huge cavern of a tank, with delicate lacy snow lining the bottom. I finally found the ice cream!

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