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Sunday, September 25, 2005

"Bye-Bye Birdie" Pictures - Cast One

A few photos from the DMTC Summer Workshop, from Dannette Vassar (she apparently has a photos Web Site somewhere, with a variety of DMTC-related photos, but I haven't found it yet). Sorry about using low resolution here: it's a compromise, to allow the Web Page to open easily (drop me a note at mvaldez@sierraresearch.com, and I can send the higher-quality photos to you).

Julien Biewer-Elstob (Birdie), Hailee Ketchum-Wiggins (Kim MacAfee), plus ensemble

Julia Soto (Mae Peterson) and Ryan Warren (Albert Peterson)

Katherine Vanderford (Rosie Alvarez)

Katherine Vanderford (Rosie Alvarez) and Ryan Warren (Albert Peterson)

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