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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Youth Workshop Recital

Thursday evening, the Beginning and Advanced Students of the DMTC Summer Youth Workshop had a recital at the DMTC Rehearsal Space in Davis, CA. The students (aged 7-18) performed monologues, scenes, and musical numbers.

Students and audience applaud instructors Jan Isaacson and Helen Spangler at the end of the workshop.

Afterwards, Steve Isaacson made a plea for financial assistance for finishing construction of DMTC's New Theater. Interestingly, there may have been some progress on this front. More information will be available at a meeting AT the New Theater this Sunday, August 7, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. (607 Pena Drive in Davis). Various short-term funding solutions will be discussed and DMTC's funding guarantor will also be present to answer questions.

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