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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Where's The Willpower?

I've been trying out a diet for the first time in my life, reducing portions, but otherwise not making substantial changes in what I eat. Over the last two weeks, I dropped 4 pounds, from 182 lbs (82.55 kg) to 178 lbs (80.74 kg). Big whoop-dee-doo! Then tonight, after Pepper Von's step aerobics class, I drove away from Step One as fast as traffic would permit (and by happenstance passed ballet teacher Victoria along the way, who waved in a very friendly way, because she had no idea what I was up to) in order to eat not just one helping of ice cream, but after an intervening meal, yet a second helping of ice cream! Bet my weight loss stalls after that!

Fear is a good motivating factor in a diet. I've managed to reduce my lunch portions (which I usually eat quite late) because if I don't, I will puke in step aerobics class (it's THAT high-energy!) I fear irretrievably embarrassing myself in front of Sacramento's hard-body elite more than I want the extra lunchtime food. But what can I fear in the evening, after step aerobics class?

If I eat ice cream after dark, the terrorists win, I suppose.

There was a very funny article on Salon by Garrison Keillor about his efforts to lose weight: Is finding one's inner Puritan the true path to weight loss and eternal happiness?

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