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Monday, August 15, 2005

Elly Award Nominations

2004-05 Elly Award nominations were announced Sunday night at Garbeau's Dinner Theater. Lots of friends and acquaitances on this list!

DMTC apparently garnered three nomination, one expected (Byron Westlund, lead actor in a musical, as Don Quixote in "Man of La Mancha") and the other two surprising: Jason (not Jean) Hammond for choreographer in "Anything Goes", and Ben Bruening for supporting actor, as Drake, in "Annie."

The Elly process seems like an out-of-control pinball game: good work is routinely overlooked, and what doesn't get overlooked seems random. Makes me wonder.....hmmm...... The Elly judges these days seem to favor new theaters over established theaters, but beyond that, it's hard to spot a specific bias - almost like roulette, or a sweepstakes.....

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