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Monday, August 29, 2005

Cache Creek

I've rarely returned to Cache Creek Casino and Resort since my serious blackjack days (November 1995 - August 1998: as I recall, I watched Princess Di's funeral there through the smoky haze). In fact, I was a bit embittered about the place (accumulated loss there was somewhere over $30,000, and that winding Highway 16 is still a massive hazard), but lately, since Cache Creek donated $2,500 to Davis Musical Theatre Company (DMTC), I've been kinder on them. Heck, that's just some of my money returning to where it can do the most good. So, on Sunday afternoon, a kinder, gentler Marc decided to return for a few hours of casual blackjack.

The drive up there was nice - Yolo County at its best. There was an interesting sign on the outskirts of Woodland: "Rainbow Ranch - Not Gay, Just Happy." Upon arriving at the casino, I saw a fellow with a T-Shirt: "A Sight For Sore Eyes," with 'Sore Eyes' really badly blurred. I was puzzled why recorded voices in the slot machines (fantasy-labeled things like 'Hollywood Dreams' and 'Go Ape') were egging the bettors on in Australian accents, but then I noticed that some - maybe all! - of the slot machines there are manufactured in Australia. Who would have thought?

The massive construction efforts over the last few years at Cache Creek have produced a real handsome resort, and as a salutory side-effect, have made the casino a lot less smoky than it used to be. The only reminder of the Old Cache Creek of the last decade is that F.B. is STILL a pit boss there (I don't think he recognized me). In any event, I paid little attention to the resort: I made a beeline for the casino, and didn't check out the spa, or the dancing, or the restaurants, or the gift shop, or damn near anything else they've got there except three different blackjack tables. A few hours of casual blackjack extended past frenetic midnight, but all to good effect - final cash minus beginning cash: $3,880.00 - $280.00 = $3,600.00 (Despite Highway 16, Marc feels even kinder to Cache Creek now than ever!)

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