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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Big Centipede

This story reminds me of one sleepy morning, back in high school. I washed my face, and lazily watched the water drain from the bathroom sink. The last thing to go down the drain was a 6-inch-long centipede. WTF?
"Thinking it was a mouse, I went to investigate the sound. The sound was coming from under some papers which I lifted, expecting to see the mouse scamper away," the 32-year-old psychotherapist said Wednesday. "Instead, when I lifted the papers, I saw this prehistoric looking animal skitter away behind a stack of books."

He trapped the 9-inch-long creature between a stack of books and put it in a plastic container.

The next day he took it to Britain's Natural History Museum, which identified the insect as a Scolopendra gigantea -- the world's biggest species of centipede.

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