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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Today's Monsoon Forecast for Phoenix

Looked like mild relief yesterday! Hope it was nice!

Today, the great spinning wheel of the SW upper level high has brought the dryline nearly E-W across the state of AZ: from Lake Havasu to Holbrook, and right across the Flagstaff/Oak Creek Canyon area. I bet today's best storms will be up there, plus further down the Rim as well.

Thunderstorms are likely to come from the NW or north today, just as they tended to come from the SW yesterday, and ESE the day before (that great spinning wheel in action). Tomorrow, storms are likely to come from the east.

It's important to acknowledge Ghost Emily in continuing to provide moisture to the SW as she decays away SW of San Diego.

Exasperating Gert looks determined to head west, rather than NW, across Mexico. The cavalry charge is strong, but heading in the wrong direction to be of much immediate use to Arizonans.

The great spinning wheel will likely shut the door to rainfall on Thursday, but on Friday the door will open again and scattered Gert moisture, plus wrap-around moisture from NM, will help fire up storms coming from the SE.

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