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Monday, July 18, 2005

Tancredo the Terrible

Now, why did Colorado's Tom Tancredo think he needed to address the question of what to do if Islamoterrorists dropped a few nukes in the U.S. - with a radio talk show host? Such a response would be pure vengeance - ineffective vengeance too, since ordinary Muslims worldwide would crawl through glass to attack us after such an act of vengeance, and the terrorists wouldn't even be there anyway. Don't real Christians talk about turning the other cheek??? And why is Tancredo considering a Presidential race in 2008 anyway?
“Well, what if you said something like — if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites,” Tancredo answered.

“You’re talking about bombing Mecca,” Campbell said.

“Yeah,” Tancredo responded.

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