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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

My Bad

Questions of etiquette.... The auto driver sat astride the unmarked crosswalk, trying to turn onto J Street (one way) from 22nd. Instead of crossing 22nd on foot in front of his vehicle, I crossed behind, so as to allow him to turn when traffic permitted. Apparently the driver felt he had inched too far forwards. While I was directly behind his car, I saw the reverse lights come on, and was barely able to jump out of the way as he punched the gas in reverse: I dropped my newspaper. Apparently that was when he thought to check his rear-view mirror, and noticed me in distress. When he rolled down his window to ask after my health, I said "your car is on top of my newspaper." He was relieved and went on his way, but I could have been hurt. I wonder what I SHOULD have said to him?

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