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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Top Ten List

Debra Dickerson's Top Ten reactions to the U.S. Senate's recent lynching apology:

  1. Bite me.
  2. Damn right, the least you could do.
  3. Mighty white of you.
  4. Gee, couldn't you have waited just a little longer -- until even the trees from which the "strange fruit" swung were dead?
  5. I'm not impressed, but then, I'm bell-curved. What do I know?
  6. Thanks for kicking our asses so hard, and for so long, that we were forced to develop entire art forms around our oppression.
  7. Try not to break your arm patting yourselves on the back.
  8. Give us back the land, the businesses and the unpaid debts that were the true cause of many lynchings. You sleaze bags!
  9. Gee, was there no appropriate Hallmark card? Let a sister help you out:

    Sorry I castrated your granddad. My bad.
    What's 300 years of raping your ancestors among friends?
    Sticks and stones may break your bones ... Oops. They already did.

    And my topmost reaction to your lame-ass, late-ass lynching apology:
  10. Thanks for absolutely, positively nothing. You feel better. We feel worse. Déjà bloody vu all over again.

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