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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Summertime Crowd Strut Their Stuff at AM/PM

Apparently I missed the fun at AM/PM last night. A friend, who sits in the locked store behind a cashier's window during the graveyard shift, conveyed some of the goings-on there.

Two Asian girls drove up, started pumping gas and necking at the same time. They then began to argue about who was going to pay for the gasoline. One girl went to the window to insist on paying for the remainder of the gasoline. My friend told her she couldn't determine what that amount would be unless they stopped the flow of gasoline at the pump. The girl stomped off and began wrestling for the hose with the other girl. Within seconds, the girls were using the gasoline hose like a garden hose at a pool party, and had doused each other with gasoline.

Meanwhile, a man began beating a woman in a Mercedes Benz at the other set of gasoline pumps. Customers began to demand my friend call the police, even though she couldn't see what was happening there and was busy with customers. When she finally made the call, a customer ran over to warn the man the cops were on the way. The abusive man retreated with his vehicle behind the store.

Then the Asian girl stomped up to ask how much gasoline her vehicle could hold, and got frustrated when my friend told her she didn't know. The police showed up, but my friend couldn't provide details since she never saw the car. When the cops left, the Mercedes Benz reappeared from behind the store, and, with tires squealing, roared off down the street. Then the Asian girl reappeared, saw my friend's cell phone, and erupted in fury: "Hey, that's MY phone!"

Seems like I always miss the good parts at AM/PM graveyard shift!

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