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Thursday, June 16, 2005

More Patience

OK, if John Bolton can be "the most patient man in America" (see below), the least I can do is imitate his serenity, and stop kissing up and kicking down. Here's the latest from Frontier:
We know you’re all eager for news on the rescheduled dates for Kylie’s Showgirl tour [Eager? EAGER? ME, EAGER? No! Patience, Marc, Patience! Remember, John Bolton!] and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patience [Likewise, but ditch the thanks and get on with it, man!].

However Kylie’s health is our main concern at this point in time [Kylie's health is her concern - your concern is the freakin' tour! When is it going to be rescheduled? WHEN?], and we’re sure you’ll understand when we say that none of us want to have her back on tour prematurely [Prematurely? It's not like she fell off a stage like Patti Smith and broke every bone in her body, dammit. PATIENCE, Marc! Remember John Bolton!]. Kylie’s health and recovery remains the number one priority for The Frontier Touring Company right now [And mine too, dammit, but when is the tour going to be rescheduled?].

The latest news from Kylie’s doctors indicates that a definitive answer on Showgirl’s rescheduling is still a few weeks away [Doctors? Doctors are involved? Doctors can't schedule anything worth beans! That's why they have clerical help! I don't care what the doctors think, what do the receptionists think? PATIENCE!]. Your tickets remain valid [they'd better!], so make sure you keep them somewhere safe [mine are buried in the yard]. If you do wish a refund you’ll need to contact your original authorised point of purchase to organise this [I got one of them off E-Bay...I wonder if I'm screwed? But wait, Mandy, whom I purchased the ticket from, said she'd help, and she knows the outskirts of Brisbane like, well, like, she knows kangaroos and vegemite and other obscure Australian stuff, like getting refunds!].

As soon as we have information on new Showgirl dates for Australia we will let you know. Kylie loves performing in Australia and is as eager to be back on stage as you are to see her.
I remain, as always, a serene and above all, patient Kylie fan.

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