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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Godot Arrives

June 21st, Steve reminds me, is the 21st anniversary of Davis Musical Theatre Company's (DMTC's) first performance ("Peter Pan" was the first show!)

In commemoration, today, DMTC implemented "Plan B" for finishing construction of the New Theater. Construction had been at a halt for almost seven months, since November 1, 2004, in the absence of either large donations or secured loans adequate to finish construction. $100,000 of money borrowed from River City Bank was delivered today to Steve Harrison Construction, in order to accelerate construction of the New Theater: an additional $20,000 will be used to pay construction-related bills. Additional financing is in the works.

Harrison Construction had started working again on a small scale last week, in anticipation of funding coming through, started with a building inspection focused on the orchestra pit. The theater will be finished from the front to the back, so that the theater will be audience-ready just as soon as practicable. Still, I wonder if there's enough time to finish the New Theater before the start of the new season?

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