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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What Was - And Remains - At Stake

From Harry Reid's statement:
The integrity of future Supreme Courts has been protected from the undue influences of a vocal, radical faction of the right that is completely out of step with mainstream America. That was the intent of the Republican “nuclear option” from the beginning. Tonight, the Senate has worked its will on behalf of reason, responsibility and the greater good.

Abuse of power will not be tolerated, and attempts to trample the Constitution and grab absolute control are over. We are a separate and equal branch of government. That is our founding fathers’ vision, and one we hold dear.

I offered Senator Frist several options similar to this compromise, and while he was not able to agree, I am pleased that some responsible Republicans and my colleagues were able to put aside their differences and work from the center. I do not support several of the judges that have been agreed to because their views and records display judicial activism that jeopardize individual rights and freedoms. But other troublesome nominees have been turned down. And, most importantly, the U.S. Senate retains the checks and balances to ensure all voices are heard in our democracy.
Republicans weren't defeated here, nor movement conservatives. Rather, it was a comeuppance for an arrogant, dictating minority faction (Dobson, et al.) who thought they could break rules of Senate debate that have stood since the early 1800's. This wasn't Gotterdamerung. That will come later.

By tradition, changes to Senate rules require a 2/3 majority to implement. The nuclear option was all about changing Senate rules, by devious means, requiring only a majority. It is a smarmy approach that could be favored only by hacks.

Several years ago, when Sacramento lost to Los Angeles in the NBA West final, the referees stood aside and let LA get away with transparent fouls. The message to Sacramento was: if you want to be champ, you have to nail a convincing victory, and don't come to us for help.

Systematic filibusters are a new phenomenon, but they are here to stay. Get used to it! We've been doing lots of new things, of late, like strapping justice nominees on partisan missiles, and firing them across the sky. Until that stops, it's guerilla war all the way. Knee-cap the fascists with whatever it takes!

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