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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

WDA Rehearsal

Two rehearsals down at Pioneer High School. Tonight, Kelly Challender appeared, and it was nice seeing her again.

Last night, one of the 6-year-olds tried to guess my age:

Her: 25!
Me: Nope!
Her: 35!
Me: Nope!
Her: 46!
Me: 48!
Her: I almost got it right!
Tonight, another girl tried to guess my age. Her first guess was 38. She asked for a hint, and I said it started with a "4." She ran through almost the entire forties in her effort to guess my age. These girls are so cute! Anything older than 15 might as well be ancient, as far as they are concerned!

Last night, there was a battle of wills between a mom and her young daughter that was interesting to watch: the daughter won, despite any number of disadvantages of age and size. Her willful manipulativeness might push her far, if tapped correctly: maybe Woodland's answer to Madonna?

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