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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Walk a Mile in My Shoes

I spent most of the weekend at home, sweeping the back yard and garage, mowing, and cleaning gutters. It's a duty I've neglected, and as a consequence, there was a lot to do.

The house is tall, and the gutters are high above the ground. While cleaning the gutters, a rock turned under the tall ladder's leg. The ladder toppled and I was thrown into the wall. I grabbed a drainpipe, which was able to hold my weight, and I was thus spared injury. I'm glad I didn't fall away from the wall!

After a shower, I fell asleep, leaving the back door open. Cloudy the Rabbit took advantage of the open door, came into the house, poked around, spotted my shoes in the bathroom, and peed in them. I'm not sure why she did that: rabbits are so inscrutable! Was it affection? Was she offended by the presence of the shoes? Was she just taking inventory?

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