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Monday, May 09, 2005

Marketers to Boomers: Drop Dead!

About time the Boomers were pushed out of the spotlight!

And no Gabe, I don't consider myself a Boomer....just ever-so-slightly post-Boomer - is it really so hard to tell?

Several weeks ago, PBS featured a golden-oldie gala of disco star has-beens, and I wondered who all the ruined old fat people dancing around under the mirrored ball might be, and then I realized - these folks are EXACTLY my age! I would fit right in with them!:
Catering almost exclusively to the young might seem counterproductive. More than half the nation's wealth is in the hands of people over 50, who spend an estimated $2 trillion a year on products and services.

..."If you target young, you're going to get younger viewers and keep your older ones," said Jon Nesvig, Fox Broadcasting's advertising president. "But if you target old, that's what you're going to get — older viewers."

...How does that make people over 50 feel? To paraphrase the famous line from the movie "Network," they're mad as hell and they wish they didn't have to take it anymore.

Last year, AARP tried to draw attention to the issue in an ad campaign built around a photo of a morgue, complete with toe-tagged cadavers. The slogan: "When you turn 50, doctors don't pronounce you dead — marketers do."

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