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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

"Man of La Mancha" Review

As I thought likely, the Davis Enterprise review of DMTC's show was quite favorable:

Quite a 'Dream'

Superb lead actor highlights strong local production of 'Man of La Mancha', By Bev Sykes, Enterprise drama critic, Published: May 11, 2005.

Director Jan Isaacson's Davis Musical Theatre Company production of "Man of La Mancha," which opened Friday at the Varsity Theater, is quite good.

Dale Wasserman's Broadway hit, with music by Mitch Leigh and lyrics by Joe Darion, is a musical drama — a play within a play within a play — that tells the story of Miguel de Cervantes, thrown into prison while awaiting examination by the Holy Inquisition for having the effrontery to foreclose on a church that had not paid taxes.

Cervantes' fellow prisoners hold their own Inquisition — a mock trial — and accuse the writer of being, among other things, an idealist and a bad poet. If "convicted," he will lose his belongings, which consist primarily of an unfinished manuscript and a trunk of theatrical costumes and props.

In his defense, the author proposes that he act out the story of the manuscript, using other prisoners to fill in the roles.

Cervantes' manuscript is the story of Alonso Quijana, an idealistic old man who imagines himself to be living in Medieval times as an errant knight, Don Quixote de La Mancha, who travels the countryside fighting beasts and rescuing damsels in distress: "He ponders the problem of how to make better a world where evil brings profit and virtue none at all; where fraud and deceit are mingled with truth and sincerity."

The delusional Quijana, who promises not to allow wickedness to flourish, is an embarrassment to his respectable family.

Without a commanding Cervantes, a theatrical company has no "Man of La Mancha," and Isaacson has it a gold mine with DMTC newcomer Byron Westlund (who played this role at Cabrillo Stage, in Aptos). Westlund is tall, rugged and stately; he has a rich baritone and is an excellent actor. What more could one want?

As Sancho Panza, Cervantes' manservant, Ryan Adame gives the character an endearing boyish enthusiasm.

Quixote sees things as he wants to see them, not as they really are. Thus a windmill becomes a giant beast to be attacked, and a country inn becomes a castle. Aldonza, the serving wench and town whore, becomes the lovely "Dulcinea," a fair lady whom Quixote insists on treating with dignity, gentleness and respect; he thus becomes her protector.

Lauren Miller is a world-weary, jaded Aldonza, confused by the eyes through which Quixote sees her. Miller has a bit of trouble with her high notes, but otherwise gives a strong performance. Her rape scene is disturbingly effective.

Other noteworthy performances include Steve Isaacson as the "Governor" of the dungeon, who doubles as the innkeeper who agrees to make a knight of Quixote, and dubs him "Knight of the Woeful Countenance."

John Hancock gives a high-powered performance in the dual roles of the Duke and Dr. Carrasco who — along with J.D. Diefenbacher (the Padre), Dannette Vassar (the Housekeeper) and Emily Beal (Antonia) — sings the delightful "I'm Only Thinking of Him."

The ensemble is strong, and particularly lovely in the harmonies for the gentle "Little Bird, Little Bird."

Steve Isaacson's set design exhibits better production values than the usually struggling company sometimes is able to afford, and the lighting — also designed by Isaacson, and run flawlessly by first-time technician Julie Kuhlman — dramatically sets the scene of an underground dungeon, with a window at ground level through which fog can be seen. The lighting is particularly dramatic when steps are lowered to permit new prisoners to enter the dungeon.

Long-time company costumer Jean Henderson turns out her usual collection of good-looking costumes, all appropriate to the period.

The 15-piece backstage orchestra produces a full sound that nicely accompanies the on-stage events. Ben Wormeli, the on-stage guitarist, complements the action quite well.

"Man of La Mancha" continues through May 29.

Copyright, 2005, The Davis Enterprise. All Rights Reserved.

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