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Monday, May 23, 2005

Kicking The Can Down the Road

Well, what can one say? It sounds like a horrible compromise, which will have the effect of just "kicking the can down the road" (Mickey Kaus quote.) The only nice thing is that the Republican base is incensed - at their own, the so-called RINOs! Frist is damaged, which is good, and Dobson is frustrated, which is good. But bad judges will get their positions on their courts, and the entire filibuster battle will start up again when a Supreme Court justice is nominated. Nothing is really settled, and even now the Republicans are taking their anger and plotting anew.

(update) I was just lurking over at Lucianne, and I'm amazed at the reaction of the dittoheads. It's a freakin' compromise, for God's sake, not Gotterdamerung! Everyone's pissed that they didn't get their 'money's worth' and they're howling for revenge! This time, the anger is inner-directed: talk of traitors and plots. Here are some choice quotes from crybaby watch:
Bill Frist, MD. That means he should have some rudimentary knowledge of anatomy, and having same should know what testicles are. That is of course unless he only cut up eunuchs while in medical school.

I am ENRAGED at this entire fiasco. Frist looked liked a simpering old woman. Then I had the distinct displeasure of witnessing the disgusting Upchuck Schemer and the ever repulsive daffy dork durbin all giggly and smiling like little school girls at recess time. Made me want to McPuke. Matter of fact I still feel that way. What a sellout. Disgusting RINOs. I hope every last one of you slugs gets defeated.

OK you wimps. Don't call me or send me mail wanting donations for your lousy efforts at this when you were in the majority! Wimps - Wimps - Wimps.

Those are just the Dem fanatics saying that. Any Dem with sense knows they got the best deal here. Read NRO if you want the real deal on how the GOP has betrayed us yet again. This is the final straw for me, and I hope for plenty of others. Vote in your primaries against the RINOs and pull your financial support from the party, and let them know why. They have betrayed us all.

The enemy has adapted and mutated.

The Republicans in the Senate have no idea the level of a litmus test that this vote was. The Democrats do and they know that they won. The Republicans clearly have no idea how big a deal this was to the base.

I am so mad I dare not say what is on my mind. We've lost, and our own people betrayed us. It's time for us to take it to the streets and rebel against those who will not do the will of the people.
Awful compromise, and I'm unhappy with Harry Reid for it, but if this compromise makes the fascists eat their young, it was worth it!

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