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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Dopy NRO Reviewer

Loredana Vuoto abuses Warren Farrell's arguments to hail back to a feminine golden age that never was. Referring to Farrell's book, "Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap — And What Women Can Do About It," Vuoto writes:
But he also lays bare the unpleasant truth about working women. For decades, feminists and Hollywood have perpetuated the myth that a woman can have it all — a successful, high-powered career, with time for a loving husband and children, all the while looking glamorous, sexy, and carefree. The reality, however, is that working women today are more stressed, overworked, and underappreciated than they were prior to the women’s liberation movement. Pursuing a career carries trade-offs and costs, which usually come at the expense of family and children. A similar dynamic holds true for women wishing to spend more time at home: The result will be less time and less productivity at the office. This book poignantly illustrates why feminism’s war on human nature is destined to fail: Instead of chasing the chimera of perfect wage parity between the sexes, women will continue to harbor the natural desire to be devoted mothers and wives.

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