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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Fuzzy Wuzzy Iz My Eyes

Went to the optometrist today. Last visit was in 2001. That visit was fine: Marina Campana said nice things about the new frames. This time, who knows? My eyes are now all dilated and irritable from those yellow drops they put in them. Plus, there's a big yellow orb in the sky that makes my eyes water whenever I look outside.

Dr. S. suggested bifocals: I suggested two separate pairs of glasses instead. Dr. S. looked at the scars from the 1994 retinal reattachment surgery on the left eye and suggested I get the other Dr. S. at Mercy Hospital to look at his decade-old surgical handiwork just to make sure everything is the way he'd like to see it. That's probably a good idea.

That eye surgery in 1994 was sure interesting. They put me under with sodium pentathol ("truth serum") . When I woke up in the recovery room, everybody there was laughing. I asked what was so funny, and everyone said, "oh, nothing!" Then they did laser spot-welding on the right eye. 500 welds in 10 brilliantly yellow-green minutes. Afterwards, all I could see was purple everywhere!

Forgot about ordering new contact lenses. I'll need to get those ordered next week!

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