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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sensible Reactionary

Is this the same Arnaud de Borchgrave: so conservative he makes paint peel? The refugee from the halcyon days of Henry Luce's "Time" magazine? Apparently so, although he must be pretty creaky by now. And why does he sound...well, sensible? I guess he stood still and the Bolsheviks of the Bush Administration ran past and outflanked him on the right. He sounds practically liberal in today's environment:
The House recently voted 411-3 to warn the EU if it lifts the arms embargo on China, the U.S. will halt technology transfers to Europe. The Senate will follow suit shortly. The Europeans are now drawing up a list of American "civilian" technology transfers they say have added muscle to China's military girth. Score one for rapprochement between the EU and China.

It is yet to dawn on U.S. gatekeepers that 6.7 percent of Chinese defense imports come from the United States and only 2.7 percent from Europe. Humvees are mass-produced in China for the People's Liberation Army. Rolls Royce engines are in some Chinese fighter-bombers. Russia gets most of China's $15 billion defense market.

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