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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Mercury Rising

Hey, this really worked last night!
Space Weather News for March 11, 2005

SUNSET MERCURY: If you would like to see the planet Mercury, normally hidden by the sun, this weekend is the best time of the year to do it. When the sun sets on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Mercury will shine like a bright star through the rosy glow of the western horizon. Pay special attention on Friday, March 11th, when Mercury appears beautifully close to the slender crescent Moon.
As I drove across the Yolo Causeway last night, to Davis from Sacramento to appear in DMTC's "Annie," I didn't pay much attention to the traffic. Instead, I scanned the heavens, and found dim but distinct Planet Mercury in the sky! Sweet! Only the second time (the first was last spring) I've ever seen Sun-loving Mercury! I grooved on the planets and forgot the traffic!

The show last night was OK. Almost forgot the lyrics to "Tomorrow." As the cop, almost said "This is Lieutenant Precinct of the 17th Ward," instead of vice-versa (would have been a nice Mormon touch). Kaylynn's friends all came to see the show. John Hancock was there, as was Juan Ramos. Callie Gregg was there as well!

This morning, listening to NPR's Car Talk, was that Eadie O. who called in? She was asking about buying a purple car, vintage 2000, to celebrate her new life. I've seen some purple PT Cruisers, but she was leaning towards a Mazda Miata! Click and Clack, the Tappet Bros., were egging her on.....

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