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Sunday, March 27, 2005

Liberal Hypocrisy?

The Wall Street Journal's John Fund accuses liberals of hypocrisy in opposing federal intervention in the Schiavo case, but supporting it in the case of Elian Gonzalez:
But liberals have gotten off easy for some of the somersaulting arguments they have made on behalf of judicial independence and states' rights to justify their position that Terri Schiavo should not be saved. Many made the opposite arguments in the Elian Gonzalez case.
I'm one liberal who opposed federal intervention in both cases, so I find the accusations of hypocrisy to be annoying. In the Elian Gonzalez case, however, federal intervention was more understandable, since under our system of government, immigration matters are supposed to fall under federal jurisdiction. Nevertheless, Elian had family members here who could care for him, and the U.S. had long had a policy for allowing Cuban refugees to settle here. It seemed an aggressive federal overreach to send Elian back to live under a tyranny, even if his father wanted him back.

In the Schiavo matter, the precise hook for federal intervention remains unclear, which is probably why federal courts have refused to intervene. Where have the Florida state courts failed in their duty, exactly?

Supposed conservatives have no trouble trying to demolish our system of government in order to make petty Culture War points. Why doesn't the Wall Street Journal focus on conservative hypocrisy instead? Liberal hypocrisy seems pretty wan these days, at least when compared to the amazing antics of Frist and DeLay. When DeLay was in Michael Schiavo's place, deciding whether to continue medical care for his injured dad, DeLay decided to pull the plug. DeLay's family protests that the situations were different, that DeLay's dad had no hope for recovery. I'm sure Michael Schiavo would answer: EXACTLY!

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