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Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Fed Emperor Has No Clothes

About time someone punched Alan Greenspan for his partisan hackery:
Asked Thursday his reaction to Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's insistence this week that Social Security must be transformed, preferably along lines urged by Bush, Reid replied:

"I'm not a big Greenspan fan. ... I voted against him two times. I think he's one of the biggest political hacks we have in Washington," Reid said on CNN's "Judy Woodruff's Inside Politics."

Reid complained that Greenspan had decried budget deficits when Bill Clinton was president but he doesn't criticize Bush for turning a federal budget surplus he inherited from Clinton into trillions of new debt.
I didn't know Harry Reid is from Searchlight, NV (SSE of Las Vegas). About time we had more southwestern legislators in charge of things!

The federal government virtually created the entire economy of Nevada and the Mojave Desert. Having someone like Reid in charge will help keep the Republicans from ruining that economy out of sheer hubris.

Having pro-life, Mormon Reid as Senate leader instantly made the Democrats less shrill on abortion (closer to mainstream equivocation) and more forgiving of religious difference. It's good for the party!

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