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Sunday, March 06, 2005

DMTC "Annie" Review

The Davis Enterprise doesn't seem in a hurry to post this review on the Web, so I may as well (save and zoom for readability).

In the dozens of shows I've done, this is the first time I'm mentioned by name (dance people and spearcarriers like myself almost never get recognition by name, since we aren't leading characters). Davis Enterprise reviewer Bev Sykes notes:
Mark Valdez, seen early in the show as the police officer, appears later as Franklin Roosevelt and gives a believable imitation of the president.
That's praise, since the most important hurdle in recreating an easily-recognized historical figure is creating a 'believable imitation.' The reviewer's harshest comment ("could use some additional coaching") fell upon unfortunate Midas, the Golden Retriever who plays Annie's dog, Sandy. Thank goodness Midas didn't also have to create a 'believable imitation!'

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