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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Deborah Goudreault in the Valley of the Sun

Deborah McMillion-Nering and friends in Ahwatukee, on the fringe of Phoenix, AZ, have recently been hosting Deborah Goudreault, occasional lead singer for the Charles Lewis Jazz Quintet. Fabulous Deborah G. lives in Boston now, but Wednesday night, March 16th, she graced the stage, in concert, at the Kerr Center with the Quintet.

In 1988/89, the two Deborahs, James Bucanek, and myself, all took ballet together at Mary Adams' School of Ballet in Tempe. Mary Adams' school (now in Mesa) is excellent, featuring RAD instruction. Mary Adams has instructed numerous important alumni (e.g., Bonnie Moore). James and Deborah M. still attend class there.

Deborah M. often used Deborah G. as a model for her paintings, including one that hangs near my bed (the one featuring a fish leaping from a fountain, while balancing a bubble on its nose).

The Ahwatukee household is the most civilized I know. Talent finds expression, and knows few limits. Their willingness to try new out new things is refreshing. Oddly enough, they were the first to introduce me to step aerobics (they sprung it as a surprise one New Year's Day at the local Joe Weider gym). They also introduced me to other oddities, chief among them, America On-line and the Weather Channel.

Few people possess James B.'s abilities in the kitchen. Here, James presents Deborah G. with a fabulous Gazpacho Salad Stack:

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