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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Call Me An Idiot

It's intolerable that Kylie lives and yet I can't see her. So I decided to initiate a course of action. I looked up her concert schedule and noticed a very strange "Showgirl" schedule: single shows one month apart (08/04/05, 09/04/05, etc.) in Dublin. I chose the 11/04/05 show, thinking I'd have until November to prepare for a European visit, and charged 125 euros for two standing-room admissions to my VISA card.

Turns out, European date convention (DD/MM/YY) is not quite the same as the American convention (MM/DD/YY). The show schedule is actually quite logical - successive nights - and 11/04 is just a few weeks away. I've never travelled abroad, and so have no idea if my passport has expired or not, or whether I can get time off work, or plane reservations, or whether I can cancel the tickets at this late date, or anything! (Sigh!)

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