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Monday, February 14, 2005

Single Women, Democrats, and Jabba the Hut

Loathsome gasbag Jabba the Hut (aka Rush Limbaugh) today picked this report in 'The Nation', that single women sided with the Democratic Party in the 2004 election, to mean that Democrats now oppose the marriage of single women, so as to retain electoral advantage. Limbaugh then proceeded to caricature single women as desperate and miserable. What an ass! If there's any bias in the Democratic Party, it's towards marriage - remember, Democratic Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate of any state in the country.

There is only one major political party that wants to keep single women desperate and miserable and it ain't the Democrats!

Limbaugh also stated that Howard Dean's candidacy for chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was opposed by a majority of elected officials in the Democratic Party. There is an element of truth there - certainly some major, elected officials feared Dean - but the 447 Democratic operatives that compose the DNC thought differently:
A heretofore obscure entity, the Association of State Democratic Chairs (ASDC), a subgroup of the 447, moved aggressively to take the place of the bumbling Hill leadership and Democratic governors who found themselves unable to influence the process.
There is no reason why these people are any less able than elected officials to determine what is best for the party as a whole. Someone has to do some party-building, and Dean looks like a builder!

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