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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

More Tales of Sacramento At Night

You learn a lot loitering around an AM/PM convenience market in the early morning hours. The little flavored cigarillos called "Swishers" are very popular: everyone has to have at least just one. Who knew? Not tobacco-free me!

People get nighttime cravings. My favorite was the sleepy teenager who wakened his mother so they could drive down to the AM/PM for an early-morning snack. Given a selection of possible snacks, though, Sleepyhead couldn't decide, and ultimately earned a tongue-lashing from his inconvenienced and exasperated mother.

There are an awful lot of people lost in Sacramento. People trying to find the road to San Francisco or Roseville. People trying to find discontinuous streets, like 30th Street. People who don't know the difference between Interstate 80 and Highway 50, and thus hunt for the Norwood Exit miles away from its actual location.

My favorite lost soul was the fellow who had his address scrawled on a piece of paper. He had just moved to that location - in fact, had been there only once - and now he couldn't find his way back home. Poor guy. Looking at the map this morning, it appears he lives on a very minor discontinuous street far from the AM/PM, so it's no wonder he was having problems. Hope he made it home before sunrise!

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