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Thursday, February 24, 2005

An Embarrassment

If this actually is how Condi Rice spoke to the Europeans, it indicates her complete intellectual bankruptcy, her descent into pure, servile hackery, a feminine 'Dean Rusk' of the Bush administration:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, seeking to impress French intellectuals in her meeting with them in Paris, referred to Iran as "totalitarian," as if the authoritarian Shiite theocratic regime neatly fits the model of the Soviet Union. With this rhetorical legerdemain, she extended to Persia the already overstretched analogy of the "war on terrorism" as the equivalent of the Cold War. But her juggling of labels left her interlocutors dismayed by her lack of intellectual adeptness. One of the French told me Rice was "deaf to all argument" and spoke in a "Soviet style," but that no one engaged her gaffe because "good manners are back."

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