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Monday, February 28, 2005

Chaotic Haiti

Aristide is gone, but no help comes for desperate Haiti, either from the American Right, who oversaw the coup d'etat, or from anyone else. The closer the country approximates a Malthusian nightmare, the less people care:
At times, Haiti's violence appears to be utterly out of control. Fights between rival gangs with political backing in the slums, or raids by the police who are accused of carrying out summary executions, result in corpses being left in the streets, gnawed at by dogs and pigs until someone comes to remove them.

Late last year, there were so many corpses arriving at the unrefrigerated morgue attached to the city's main hospital, where they lay in piles and were rapidly devoured by maggots, that the authorities refused journalists permission to visit out of concern about the bad image that would be portrayed. Since September, more than 250 people have been killed in political violence in Port-au-Prince.

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