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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Beinart Cashes In

Peter Beinart's flawed essay regarding the future of liberalism's foreign policy is going to be expanded into a book: a $600,000 cash advance! Wow! Not a promising start, though: Beinart wants to scapegoat fellow Democrats first.

Like Lenin (Bush) said, the capitalists (Democrats) will bid to provide the rope for which they will be hung. Republicans must be salivating over the intraparty squabble likely to follow:
[Beinart's Editor Adam] Bellow said that Mr. Beinart’s work will likely be the most anticipated of the navel-gazing—uh, soul-searching—genre. "The reception of Peter’s book, when it’s published, is going to be fascinating for those of us who follow cultural politics," he said. "It will reveal whether there remains any serious constituency in the Democratic Party for a traditional liberal approach to foreign policy."

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