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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Shroud of Turin

The latest scientific finding regarding the is-it-or-isn't-it-real controversy concerning the Shroud of Turin supports the Shroud's claims to great age - sufficient to derive from Biblical times. But what caught my eye is that the New Mexican chemist in charge of the study is disagreeing with the Arizona team of scientists who tested the Shroud previously: the team who were at the University of Arizona when I was there, in the early to mid-80's.

New Mexicans disagreeing with Arizonans: this cannot be! I've lived in both places for extended periods. Both states, the last of the lower 48, were admitted to the Union within a month of each of other, in 1912. If these folks disagree, then parts of my brain will explode! WHO can I trust?

(and if you say trust in faith, Gabe, I will submit you to rigorous Hegelian analysis!)

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