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Monday, January 24, 2005


Why do I fall for this crap anymore? Here's Drudge whoring for a "Frontline" TV program Monday night on Al Qaeda's activities in Europe:
Al Qaeda's New Front: Terrorist activity in Western Europe.... Developing... High Impact Monday Nite... 'Alarming threat'...
Yet Drudge is what some low-lifes call a 'success.' Instead of whining, I guess I should respect that success and emulate him:
Vixen Vampire Minister of Health and Labor Spontaneously Combusts at Cabinet Meeting ('I have one thing that counts, and that is my heart; it burns in my soul, it aches in my flesh, and it ignites my nerves.') Developing.... Many Dead... Consuming fire spreads ...Camisados strip and become descamisados overnight. Treasury at risk ('I can't stop to count.... I have one thing that counts....') And where is Magaldi? High Impact Friday night...
Meaning, of course, that DMTC's last weekend of "Evita", starring Andrea Eve Thorpe, commences with Friday evening's performance at the Varsity Theater in Davis!

Scared witless, aren't you? Can't wait for more, can you? (I've got to do this more often....)

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