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Monday, January 24, 2005

San Francisco Anti-Abortion March

Gabe had some funny stories about participating in the march, and what people yelled from the sidelines. Notable shout-outs included:
  • all the men yelling, "Get out of my uterus;"
  • the broad-minded fellow yelling, "Get out of here with your intolerant views;" and,
  • the fellow yelling, "Get your God out of my Body!"

Plus, the fellow yelling, 'Separation of Church and State! It's in the Constitution!" (the Constitution doesn't actually use that phrase, but it does forbid the establishment of a state church, no doubt reflecting the influence of deists like Thomas Jefferson, who was "author of the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom instituting separation of church and state in Virginia, passed in 1786.")

Gabe adds:

It was a very moving experience. I was quite amazed by the turnout. We apparently had something like 6,000 to 7,000 people. [The opposition] had something like 3,000 people, according to the story, but it seemed a little smaller than that, but I have NO idea. It was rather peaceful, from my vantage point.

On his brand-new blog, 'Of Mites and Wonder,' Gabe expands on his experiences:

Amidst the obscenities hurled at us and the surreal Disney-like-It's-a-Small-World-After-All chanting from those opposed to our march. I particularly remember three young women chanting "If you don't want an abortion, then don't have one," and others, such as "Not the Church, not the State, women will decide our fate!"
(For the record, I'm pro-choice, but political marches nevertheless make for blogworthy stories.)

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