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Sunday, January 09, 2005

Inconsistent Conservative Carpers

Regarding the U.S.'s incursion in Iraq, Donald Rumsfeld was real canny about keeping the troop number low: the necessary price for Congress giving the green light of war, and for blunting domestic opposition. Rumsfeld and the rest of the Vulcans are so well-insulated from Iraqi realities, however, that they'll never approve a serious increase the number of troops. They have trouble just establishing who their enemy is. They don't learn: they prefer to strike out blindly in righteous rage.

Kevin Drum is right about the inconsistency of conservative critiques (Fred Kagan, Andrew Sullivan, etc.) of Rumsfeld's continued low-troop-level stubbornness. Be that as it may. I have no qualms about impaling conservatives on the horns of their dilemma. Live by hubris and ignorance, die by hubris and ignorance. Couldn't happen to a more-deserving bunch.

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