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Sunday, January 23, 2005

A Hispanic Viewpoint Regarding Alberto Gonzales

I heartily endorse this Letter to the Editor in the Sacramento Bee (Jan. 21, 2005):
Ignoring heritage of torture

As a person of Latino descent, I am saddened that, in a time that I should be filled with pride that a fellow Latino has been nominated for attorney general, I am embarrassed by it. Alberto Gonzales' memory seems to stop at our southern border. Our Latino heritage, hence our collective memory, unfortunately is filled with the screams, scars and tears of those from Mexico down to Chile who suffered at the hands of governments whose policies are reflected in Gonzales' legal reasoning.

We cannot allow this legalistic mind to be our top cop, charged with upholding the laws of this truly free nation.

- Julio Hernandez, Citrus Heights

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