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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Greenspan The Chump

The Bush team have played Greenspan like the willing chump he is. Now Greenspan is getting uncomfortable:
The new element is a rising concern at the Fed about the nation's imbalances: the federal deficit, which hit $413 billion in 2004; a low and declining national savings rate; evidence of speculative behavior among investors and consumers; and the country's enormous trade and financial deficit with the rest of the world.

In November, Mr. Greenspan noted that foreign claims on United States assets - essentially the nation's net indebtedness to the rest of the world - were now equal to one-quarter of the nation's gross domestic product. The trade deficit this year is almost certain to exceed $600 billion - nearly 6 percent of the nation's economy, and still climbing.
Too late, Alan! This is YOUR Republican legacy! The Democrats never did anything that could remotely compare to this disaster! I hope Hell has a debtor's prison JUST FOR YOU!

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